XAX is an Australian Company, family owned and operated and selling our products via a National Network of Independently owned and operated Distributor/Stockists throughout all States of Australia.
"XAX DESIGN" Market and Distribute a range of "workingwear" (Work and Business Apparel) that is both Functional and most importantly Value Affordable.
"XAX DESIGN" Garments are made to our exacting specifications by experienced and competitive overseas clothing manufacturers. Our carefully selected clothing factories also produce and supply directly to leading Workwear and Sports brand labels in the European and USA clothing markets.
Our Management team have collectively over 40 years experience in both sourcing and supplying all Industrial markets with work clothing and related apparel and equipment. The first hand knowledge of working within all industries and gaining the understanding and requirements of functional "workingwear" directly assists in developing the "Value Features" in "XAX DESIGN" Garments.
XAX, along with our Distribution Partners are totally committed to developing and building a selective "workingwear" range of apparel suited to our customer needs and budgetary considerations.
"XAX DESIGN" Garments with Functional and Practical Features, providing Quality, Style and Value.
Select a XAX Garment and discover why XAX garments look goodonya